Cookies for the Project

Chocolate chip cookies. cinnamon molasses too, and dark moist brownies. Tom and Mary let me join their baking production line Sunday afternoon. After the cookies cooled we dropped them into little plastic bags, to sell at the post office Monday for a dime or a dollar (up to you.) Like last time, the proceeds were for the poor mountain village near Chiang Mai. They need PVC pipes for their water system and pencils for their little school and a maybe second-hand PA system for village gatherings. They know that some of the help comes from American people, and it means the world to them. If you want to help you can bake cookies too, or send a check, or maybe come to Thailand and help out for a week or a year. For more information contact Vin in Thailand at (Thai and English) or David in America at . If you give money, every penny will go straight to the project.