Everywhere in the Kingdom, Kids' Day is big, but in mountain villages it's a major all day event. Thanks to Project Win and generous donors, this year's Kid's Day was a smashing success. Among the givers were friends from Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and even Arizona and Minnesota. Ajarn Thongin took 53 student volunteers from Maejo Agricultural University three hours up a mountain in Chiang Mai Province. They'd spent the weeks before gathering donated gifts and prizes for children whose parents can't afford such things. They'd planned a big day of outdoor games, shows and fun with booths and tables, like a little county fair. Then in rained. Hard. Almost all day. The Maejo students quickly moved everything inside and modified the program. Races became dance competitions, they invented other games to replace volleyball and tag, and the kids had just as much fun, or more. In all, 85 children from the village, ages 4 to 12, had a joyful ...