Project WIN has active projects in Mae Vak, three plus hours into the hills west of Chiang Mai, and in Khon Lao, just 90 minutes away. MAE VAK BEFORE A little over a month ago 8 Thai and foreign volunteers put 50 baby chicks in a coop and 200 bags of mushroom culture in a nearby shed, praying they'd grow. AFTER As of late October, 2015, 46 of the chicks are real chickens and the mushrooms are well established. (More about these chickens and mushrooms in the previous post). With the fish ponds and vegetable gardens, the chickens and mushrooms will supplement families' diets and maybe add a little to village income. The frog component of the project fizzled, but villagers plan to try again next year now that they have more experience. One Mae Vak family his already trying to establish a frog project in miniature, and the village is watching closely to see how they do. KHON LAO At Khon Lao leaders already have frog expertise, so they're con...