This is inside one of the mushroom barns at the big farm. The lady is harvesting. We drove to the factory to see the magic. There, expert cultivators stir a special sterilized compost, a different recipe for each type of mushroom. They carefully pour the mixture into strong plastic bags, then inoculate it with spores and seal the bag tightly. All the bags are dated and you can order ones that will begin to produce when you want them to. If you'd like to know more about mushroom farming, here's a great short film on mushroom growing in Thailand. It shows how people could change from poaching to farming. Just click on the title: Five Minute Film on Sustainable Mushroom Farming . This village is high in the mountains and very beautiful. At the factory we bought 400 bags for about 25 cents each. We loaded them into on old pickup truck, along with about six volunteers and drove a couple of hours to the mountain village. It's a little hard to get to...