The village near Chiang Dao has made great progress putting Project Protein fully in place. They recently welcomed a visitor and supporter from Italy, Mme. Suzanne Pitcher - Flaccomio of Florence. Khun Su-san, as the villagers and volunteers call her, has visited Project Protein sites three times in recent weeks. Two were all-day vists and one was for an overnight. Each time she closely observed the various phases of the Projects: village chicken coop, concrete pool for raising fish, a small mushroom barn, and raised vegetable beds. She also saw how the children were included in every task, because sustainable agriculture programs pass from one generation to the next. In addition to encouraging the workers, Khun Susan is guiding Project staff through a grant application. This may lead to an gift next year from an international NGO. If Project Protein gets the grant they will be able to establish full demonstration projects in three more hilltribe villages...