PROJECT WIN IS GRASSROOTS PARTNERSHIPS FOR THAILAND Project WIN is named after our founder, Ajarn Thongin Nuntarat, M.A. His Thai nickname "Vin" is pronounced "Win." We're an informal coalition of volunteers involved in a wide array of projects, usually at the request and invitation of local Thai and Hilltribe people. Before Covid, Vin organized large projects that included installing fishponds, vegetable gardens, poultry operations, mushroom "hotels," according to village needs. He led a big team of argicultural university students who worked alongside villagers for several days to set up the projects and provide training. There was open a big party at the end, with the volunteers providing music and comedy performances directed at the kid. Now, the universities have cracked down and students are no longer available, so we've switched to projects on a different scale. In 2022, the project sponsored various agricultural initiatives in villag...