Vin's Crew to Rebuild Mountaintop School
Vin and his students spent Sunday on the Doi Suthep Mountaintop. They came to invite their fellow citizens to help rebuild a school for children on a different mountaintop, where poor children need a new library and classrooms. Vin's crew is determined to build them.
They need money and supplies, so they stood at the Temple gate inviting Thai pilgrims to participate. Along with music, they provided first hand accounts of the mountain village.
Thai people are generous. Many gave money and some offered to send school supplies. All offered their support. If you'd like to help you can contribute directly to the project's Paypal account at
You can also send school supplies. Pencils, markers, notebooks, erasers, and anything you can use in a classroom are greatly needed. To learn momre about needs or for shipping information contact Vin: He's likely to invite you to come in person and work on this project or a future one.
Twenty students from Mae Jo University rode their motorbikes in the rain up some of the steepest and muddiest roads in Chiang Mai Province, led by Kru Vin. Their destination was a rural village in need of a minor miracle: a new library and simple classrooms.
Thai people are generous. Many gave money and some offered to send school supplies. All offered their support. If you'd like to help you can contribute directly to the project's Paypal account at
You can also send school supplies. Pencils, markers, notebooks, erasers, and anything you can use in a classroom are greatly needed. To learn momre about needs or for shipping information contact Vin: He's likely to invite you to come in person and work on this project or a future one.
How the Mountaintop Project Began

Sadly, all four rooms are badly in need of repair, new lighting and lots of fresh paint. Outside walls have been crumbling and roofs leak. Villagers have done their best to keep up, but lack the funds and materials to restore their school. They have invited Vin's team to work side by side with them.
The team will work hard to gather supplies and collect money. Vin figures it will take until December or January to raise the $2000 they need and arrange for donated materials.
If you'd like to help, you can send money care of the Paypal account above. Better yet, come to Thailand and work with the students and villagers!