If the children learn to raise frogs and fish and mushrooms for food, their families’ diets will improve long term.
Volunteers from the fisheries department at Maejo came to teach them.
When the kids grow up they’ll take over the ponds and cisterns and the mushroom hotel for the next generation.

They set up stations around the village, one to teach frog life cycles, one for fish culture, and one for mushrooms. The kids saw demonstrations and then got into the act. For example, they placed several hundred bags of mushroom culture in the mushroom hotel.
In this picture some of the younger boys are checking the frog cisterns, now that they've learned to tell girl frogs from boy frogs. In the picture below, the kids are are running a relay from the truck to the shed they call the mushroom hotel.
Here volunteers are putting the finishing touches on the mushroom hotel. As with every project, all labor is free of charge, and the simple materials are donated by merchants or purchased with generous donations from friends around Thailand and from all over the world. If you'd like to come and volunteer, or to contribue money or materials, please contact Project WIN coordinator at Project WIN email.