As the weather changes at Khun Sap, the chicken barn needs to be completed to protect the growing fryers from the chill. The whole village pitched in to help the volunteer carpenters from Project WIN. Last weekend it was finally fully restored.
In the picture below you can see the fast-growing chickens. Just weeks ago they were tiny chicks brought by the volunteers from Chiang Mai.

After the chicken barn was done, Project WIN volunteers turned to the other Project Protein installations. Now there are more mushrooms in the "mushroom hotel," a fresh batch of organic fertilizer has been mixed for the vegetables, and 100 new chicks are on the way. The children have been taking care of all phases of the project, including the fish pond, and they have begun to get excited about Children's Day, even though it isn't until January.
The entire project is thanks to the hard work of local volunteers, mostly university students, supported by an initial grant for the fully stocked fish pond from the British Women's Group of Bangkok, and a full completion grant from the Australia New Zealand Women's Group of Bangkok.
Here are the village kids helping make the fertilizer.