Project Protein is in place and operational at Village Number Four, Chiang Dao. Our focus now is Village Five but we'll stay in touch with Chiang Dao and all the other villages. Just last month we replenished the flock of laying hens at Village Three and stocked the pond with new fish, thanks to a private donation. Still, it's time for an informal accounting. Our formal financial report, coming soon, will have the details. Village Number Four, Chiang Dao In addition to hundreds of hours of donated labor, we received greatly needed financial support: Australia New Zealand Women's Group supported Village Number Three, and 10,000 baht was left over from their donation. We used it toward the raised-bed vegetable gardens at Village Four. The American International League of Florence donated 24,000 baht to implement the Five Step Cleanup Day including providing the recycle bins, training in conservation and recyclin...