A HOUSE FOR WITHUN Withun Jabuh is 7, a member of the Lahu Hilltribe. His mother abandoned him when he was 2. His father had already gone to prison to start a 20 year sentence for a drug offense. He was arrested at a military checkpoint and convicted of transporting the drug YaBa (Madness Medicine). Withun became a virtual orphan at 2. His paternal grandparents, Natoh and Jagah, took him in, though they lived in extreme poverty and barely had enough for themselves. As volunteers of Project Protein, we’re in touch with a lot of villages in Chiang Mai Province. Sometimes when we see a special need, we add “personal projects,” apart from our main emphasis on sustainable agricultural methods. These personal projects are not funded in any way by the general grants and donations we receive for Project Protein. Funding comes exclusively from individual friends and supporters. ...