New Project at Khun Lao: Start with Frogs Project WIN leadership has been invited to help another village. The new sustainability project is familiar: establish a renewable source of dietary protein, and attend to educational needs identified by village elders. The priority for Khun Lao kids and their families is to supplement their diets, and frogs and chickens seem a great place to start. While a central chicken coop and cisterns for frogs and fish are in the plans, Project WIN leaders know that the key to acceptance by the villagers is going slow. Just to get started, they filled an old cistern and populated it with 600 baby frogs last week. Student volunteersfrom the Fisheries Department at Maejo University advised villagers on how to care for the frogs until they are eating size, and promised to check in again soon. In the interim they will be trying to raise about 40,000 Thai baht ($1200) to pay for the new big chicken coop, the frog operation, and a good su...